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Our values at 12 Springs Kids are the same as they are in the adult services:


Introducing them to God as a father who created them with a purpose and loves them deeply.


Teaching them the stories from the bible and how it relates to us now.


Helping them learn who God has created them to be, each with their own gifts and purpose in His kingdom.


Building friendships in service. Creating ways for families to continue what they're learning during service at home with activities, monthly scripture memorization, periodic newsletters. Encouraging them to share Jesus with their friends, pray for them, invite them to church, and show God's love wherever they go.


Teaching them that they have the same power living inside of them that conquered the grave. That they each have gifts and can use them. To be confident in who God has made them to be.

At 12 Springs we also value your child's safety. When you come to service on a Sunday morning, you will be checked in at the counter and receive two stickers for each of your children, one will stay on them and one will stay with you which you will then return to check your child out. From there, one of our volunteers will take your child into their appropriate room. Every one of our volunteers must complete a background check, we make sure that these stay up to date and that all volunteers have been verified before serving with our kids. Security remains with us from drop-off until the last child has been picked up. There are specific protocols in place as we walk through this season dealing with Covid-19. You can view our sick child policy as well as our Covid-19 protocols here.


We believe the most powerful and important thing your child will learn is the Gospel! Our lessons come straight from the Bible and are geared for each specific age group. We also believe that worship is a crucial part of learning and growing in Jesus. We start each of our services with a time of worship before moving into our lesson. We encourage them to pray, sing their own songs to the Lord, dance and express themselves during their time of worship. Our goal is to stir passion in them and excitement for God's Word! We want them to know that there is no junior version of the Holy Spirit and that God is alive and active in their lives.


On the first Sunday of the month, we have Family Worship. On these Sundays our kids stay with their parents for communion and worship before going to class. It's an amazing opportunity to show your children how you worship, for them to take communion with you and so you can see how much they are learning and growing themselves.


Most of all, we want it to be fun for them. Loud music, fun games, creative activities and age appropriate lessons help us do that!


5236 Sunset Blvd. 

Lexington, SC 29072


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